Chronic gastritis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Chronic gastritis - a disease that affects the inner lining of the stomach and is accompanied by inflammation. There is a structural reorganization and disorder of the functions of the stomach.

Suffer from this disease representatives of both sexes in different age categories.

Causes of chronic gastritis

Experts continue research in this area. Among the main factors causing chronic gastritis, are:

  • poor nutrition - irregular snacks, eating on the run, abuse of acute and marinated products;
  • alcohol in large doses alcoholic drinks provoke a breach of the process of digestion and blood circulation;
  • non - stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid, violates the metabolic processes;
  • medication - some of them may particularly negative influence on the gastric mucosa.

Symptoms of chronic gastritis

Depending on the type of chronic gastritis with high or low acidity - symptoms can vary. The typical signs of the disease are:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • unpleasant smack and smell from the mouth;
  • bloating;
  • violation of appetite.

In addition, a person may complain of weakness and drowsiness, becomes irritable. At the first signs of the disease should seek medical advice immediately and start the treatment of chronic gastritis.

How to cure chronic gastritis?

Treatment of chronic gastritis requires a comprehensive approach. Patient is prescribed medication, prescribed diet, physiotherapy.

In addition, patients with chronic gastritis recommended Spa treatment (mineral water).

How to effectively cure the chronic gastritis, they know our rehabilitation center.

You can pass the course of treatment in our rehabilitation center. Details about its cost, accommodation in medical centre and proposed procedures learn the telephone numbers (04338) 2-20-86 (round the clock) or (04338) 2-25-77 (from 09.00 to 18.00). Or use the feedback form in Contacts